Friday, December 9, 2011

Deco Dilemma

On my recent Monday visit to my local Goodwill I spied this cute little table. I have made it a ritual to go every Monday, they change the 50% off tag color every Sunday and it is a zoo! On Monday, I can shop at my leisure and now that I am 40-something, I find it harder to be creative in the middle of chaos. I'm lucky to remember my name some days! Anyway, it said on the tag it was a nightstand, but it seems a little tall to me. I have an inkling that maybe it was a telephone table, hence no drawer...maybe a spot for the phonebook?

It had an obnoxious heavy poly coat over it so a little sanding was in order. Did I mention I HATE SANDING? Once again, it's the impatient crafter in me. I try to avoid it at all costs, but sometimes you just have to. After the garish finish was gone I used a couple coats of Kilz primer, I have grown to love this stuff! It adds another layer when distressing and keeps me from having a pink piece of furniture that was supposed to be white. I learned the hard way not to skip this step!

I finished it off with a coat of creamy white from the oops paint at my local paint store...who can pass up a quart of paint for $1.25? Such a bargain! I sanded the heck out of all the nooks and crannies to distress it and opted to just use a coat of clear wax. I liked it, but felt like it missing something. Kind of like getting dressed up for a dinner party and skipping the jewelry. I broke my stencils out and decided to use some black acrylic paint to bring the top to life. Ta Da! She looks better now.

....oh and because I have a tendency to over think things, maybe you can help me decide. Should I just leave the opening as is, maybe stage it with some vintage books or use a basket like the one in the picture? I'm leaning towards the first, what do you think?


Linking up to these lovely ladies:



  1. Great looking piece Carrie, I love it.

  2. This looks beautiful. I love the stenciled top. You give it a whole new life. Nice job!

  3. Beautiful detail work on the sides and wonderful job on the stenciling. You gave this piece new life.

  4. you could line the inside of the cubby with a really nicely patterned scrapbook paper to make the designs cut into the sides stand out more.

  5. Love the table and I would go with the vintage books instead of the basket. Maybe something a little smaller :)

  6. What a lovely table! You've done a great job. As far as sanding goes, I set aside a day where I just sand everything I have waiting for me in the garage - and I get my husband to help me. So when I'm feeling creative they're there waiting for me to paint. Feel free to share at my Saturday Splendour Party at
    Megan :)

  7. now that is quite a find! love the cutouts! in my book, less is more....but it's your book we're talking about here!!

  8. Great job and such thrifty finds with the table discount and oops paint! I am in the process of a table redo and thought about skipping the primer step-but thanks for the tip. I think I'd add a basket below the table since it sits so high, plus it could disguise your plug :)
